Instant Chef

Learn to cook anything anywhere.

Instant Chef is a collection of paid online classes. It is designed to allow world class chefs to teach courses and people of all levels to learn to cook.

Photo by Kari Shea on Unsplash


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Use Case Scenario

Instant Chef allows novice and hobbyist cooks to learn from the best of the best in the comfort of their own home. With so many classes and a wide variety of skills, cooking with Instant Chef becomes a way of exploring culture and flavors. Two user personas were created to understand the target audiences. Students are represented by the user “Mathilde” and chef instructors by “Antoine.”

Photo by Alex Night on Unsplash

Research and User Tests

Card Sort Insights

Once the foundation of Instant Chef was formed, a card sort test was created and sent out to test participants. Based on the results received, it was clear that most people grouped the information into five categories. They are: account, chef, student, class, and communication.


Click the image to enlarge.


Click the images to enlarge.

Treejack Testing

In order to test the second iteration a treejack test was conducted. This provided a way to see if the information architecture that was set in place was intuitive to users. The main insights from these usability tests showed the following:

  • It was not clear where to navigate to in order to drop a class.
  • Labeling the Communications section as Get In Touch, seemed to be very confusing. Data resulting from that part of the treejack test were inconclusive.
  • Study participants appeared to be unsure of where to navigate to in order to communicate with the instructor and other course participants. Based on the study results it also appears that community board and message board locations need to be changed.

Photo by Igor Miske on Unsplash

Student Portal

This animation shows the how a student could interact with Instant Chef.


Click the image to enlarge.


Click the image to enlarge.

Instructor Portal

This animation shows the how an instructor could interact with Instant Chef. It is identical to the student portal aside from the ability to create a class.

Final Mockups

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Home page
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An example of classes shown based on category.
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An example of what a lesson's starting page would look like.
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Creating a class.
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Creating a lesson.
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An example of the message board that allows students to connect with other students or their instructors.
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An example of a user's account.

Next Steps

Due to the time constraints of the course, user tests of the most recent prototype were not completed.